Thursday, April 15, 2010

Pretty Little Game Jam

A few days ago I came up with this crazy idea to do a 48 hour game jam session to come up with a suitable game concept for both our projects.
We started this game jam yesterday and have now come up with the most original and epic multiplayer concept ever (sarcasm).

Lets say we took the harassment mechanics from League of Legends, the tiberium collecting from Command & Conquer 4 and de control set from Fat princes and put them in a giant blender to create sort of crossbreed. So it’s not a totally original concept, but it is going to be fun fun fun.

So how does it work? Well, there are two sides or factions or teams (it doesn’t really matter now what you call it) that compete against each other to gain these still unnamed orbs. The goal of the game is to gather these orbs and to mount them in the predetermined sockets in the player’s base. The team that has gathered and mounted all four orbs wins the game.
Note: orbs can be stolen back from the base. Collecting orbs isn’t as easy as it sound though because the orbs position gets shown on the mini map while it is carried. Another downside is the limited field of view, you may run into an unexpected ambush.

To give the combat (yes there is combat) a bit of depth we added three classes that will encourage the player to make use of a certain play style. The available classes are: Offence, Defence and Support. The class abilities will be defined later on.

Tom is working on a gameplay prototype in the good old Warcraft 3 editor ad I’m doing not that much (yet). I guest I will be working on the level design when most of the mechanics are in place, and off course there will be a lot of testing later on.

So, what’s next? Complete the prototype, level design, testing testing testing.
We’ll keep you posted.

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